Thursday, June 28, 2007

A farewell........

It has been a long while between posts here............. and so many things have happened that I don't even know where to begin.

Thursday 14th Jun - we were in Adelaide when the phone call came from the vet. My darling Champs has gone....... he is no longer suffering and we miss him sorely.

After a long period of not being well and being diagnosed with feline leukaemia and diabetes, they finally found out that he had cancer just the day before he left us forever.

I am still too upset to write at length about this. He will never be forgotten and always sorely missed. My little companion, demanding, precocious, beautiful and so well behaved...... we miss you darling......... no more bracing ourselves in bed while he walks over us to get to "his spot" in bed next to me........... he was only 8.5kg when he left us and that was just in 6 weeks from 11.5kg which was a sure sign something was terribly wrong but we didn't know what it was.

I am thankful he didn't go through a long period of sufferance (hopefully?) as he didn't show any signs of pain, some discomfort when we picked him up - probably from that awful tumor which was growing inside of him and the vet couldn't tell because there was so much fat all around him!

It couldn't have happened at a worse time - while we were away and yet maybe it was better that he was at the vet's because he wasn't alone when he went and they say it was very quick.

Can't write anymore for now - just a quick entry to let folks know why I have been so unproductive the last few months............ hopefully I will be able to get over this and get back into it.

Take care
Kangaroo Island