Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kangaroo Island virus !!!

Well - I am now down with a horrible virus of some sort....... three days of coughing and spluttering, not at all condusive to creative energy and just totally weary from feeling all blocked up..........

So, hopefully I will feel better and be able to get out to the caravan soon.

Apart from that, it is another cold day here on Kangaroo Island and the colours are on the silvery side............ shades of Kangaroo Island silver in the sky and I can just imagine there would be some really nice soft lighting on the water at Seal Bay.

catch you later

Friday, May 19, 2006

Another day on Kangaroo Island......

Well - here's a bead just to get this site rolling.......... nothing really special, just in line with recent Mother's day...

A simple orange coloured heart bead to brighten up the day........ more to come, been busy making beads, that's way easier (and more fun) than trying to take photos........

Catch you later

Thursday, May 18, 2006

From the caravan on Kangaroo Island

Just a quick update for tonight. Had a couple of hours on the torch tonight in the caravan and hopefully there will be some nice glass beads to look at tomorrow morning.

Interesting day at work today, we attended a workshop on interpretive skills and there were a few good pointers.

Too late tonight to try to post some pics but I hope to get there in the next few days.

catch you later

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Simply Bea

Well - I tried to keep the name.... but looks like someone else beat me to it - go figure !!!!!!!

Anyway - hope this will work and I hope to be able to post pics etc here from now on.......

catch you later