Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays.............. from Kangaroo Island

So Christmas is just around the corner and my list of "Things to do" for 2006 is still long and unfinished.

At least I managed to get some new glass and if my oxygen concentrator doesn't fail me I might get a chance yet to play with some of the new colours. The weather has been against me - too hot on the nights I can get out to torch in the caravan, even though they have been few and far between of late.

I have been playing with wire and trying out some new styles which I hope to be able to improve on so that I can start doing some serious pieces to post on to the site.

I have put up a page with some of the things we have been up to in 2006.

Hoping that 2007 will be a year of success and happiness for you and your family.

SimplyBea - Kangaroo Island

Monday, December 04, 2006

December already.........

It doesn't seem true but it is........... it's already December and I am so way behind with beading news and updates.

Christmas is just around the corner and I have some new glass to play with but no time to play.........

I am experimenting when I can and hopefully it won't be too long before I will be able to upload some pictures of "new" beads on my website.

Hopefully "Life" will settle and allow me to make the most of the time I have but for the moment it is still a mess.

Thanks for being patient and keep coming back for news.


Bea - Kangaroo Island

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